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Meet the team

What we guarantee...

60 hours of classes a week
Highly qualified trainers
The most unique and complex timetable in the country
Wallet-friendly prices, discounts on membership cards
Free or preferential classes to try
The number of participants in the classes are limited
Possibility to take part in competitions and perform
Intensive weekends, workshops, training camps


TIMETABLE available from 1st of September

Taking advantage of the facilities of the room, we are waiting for you for several more hours. We hope you all find the ideal hours and times for you. The new timetable is effective September 1 2024.

VIP card

Get your VIP card and enjoy the guaranteed discounts that come with it! Special membership with constantly expanding discounts! Contact our trainers for more information!
"To reach for the sky
you have to leave the ground"


DEMKI, Youth House
4025. Debrecen, Simonffy street 21.